Tekmovanje Jaslic, Božični Vojnik
Dejan Cvetanovski, Božični Vojnik, slika prikazuje jaslice postavljene na posesti tekmovalca
Categories: culturetourismheritage
Organizers: Občina Vojnik, Turistično društvo Vojnik, Društvo ljubiteljev jaslic Slovenije
Lokacation: Vojnik, 3212 (46.29168966207139, 15.304673910140993)
Where good practice takes place: outer space
About good practice
A description of the location
Vojnik is a clustered settlement located on the edge of the Celje Basin. Residents commute daily to neighboring municipalities for work. There is no heavy industry in Vojnik itself, only small businesses and crafts, with agriculture being the predominant sector. Therefore, in recent years, the municipality of Vojnik has been investing in tourism and recreational infrastructure, as Vojnik boasts a rich natural and cultural heritage and a well-preserved landscape.
The reason for the emergence of good practice
The Nativity scene competition is part of the Christmas in Vojnik program, which includes various events and activities every year in December and January. The creation of Nativity scenes is a cultural heritage tradition in Slovenia and neighboring countries Austria and Italy.
The operation of best practice
The Nativity scene competition is organized by the residents of the municipality of Vojnik. All participants are welcome, but the Nativity scenes and Christmas decorations predominantly feature in Vojnik's old town center. Every year, the municipality of Vojnik grants permission for old town residents to decorate the streets and set up Nativity scenes. Thus, the residents themselves create the festive atmosphere and strengthen the local significance of the Nativity cultural heritage.
More about good practice: https://bozicnivojnik.si/